And so the journey ends... (Week 10: #23)
...but where one journey ends, another begins.
Overall it has been an entertaining and educational walk through cyberspace. I discovered things of which I was not fully aware, things like Zoho and Picnik. It also inspired me to learn new things like HTML. I have put it off for quite some time now, but feeling so restricted with the creative side of Blogger, I have decided to once and for all learn the language. Maybe I am a bit of a control freak but not having the power to place an image wherever I wanted to or text anywhere I chose to drove me crazy. I learned a few tricks by manipulating the HTML, but it just wasn't enough.
I discovered some things about people, some positive and some not so positive. I imagine a study has been done somewhere on the topic of behavioral changes associated with hidden identities (and if so I hope to find it (haven't looked yet)) which I think would be fascinating. Strange how people can become so catty as long as no one knows who they are. In a sense, it is an opportunity to express an idea or an opinion which would not be expressed so easily in most settings. It gives people courage. This can be positive, but it seems to give some people the courage to express a darker side.
Of course, it was rewarding to see so many people eager to learn how to use these tools that are right at our fingertips on a daily basis. Tools like Bloglines will allow more of us to keep up with current events which in turn will help us communicate better with our customers. Knowing that things like Library Elf and our own Overdrive are out there and knowing how they work will give us an opportunity and the confidence to suggest such wonderful applications to our customers.
As for the future, who knows? Technology now dominates our lives. We depend upon it. We don't have to look far to see the effects of our dependence (Black Wednesday). Technology brings change to our world so rapidly that I fear a suggestion now will only seem antiquated in a few months, but I would like to see more online applications as well as some tools with regards to research. The more we learn about technology, the better our library system will be. Any establishment is only as good as the people who support the very foundation of that establishment. An establishment such as the library which promotes knowledge needs its employees to be knowledgeable. We are the direct representation of HCPL, especially those on the front lines who daily stand face to face with our customers and know customers on a first name basis. When they think of the library, it is not a star that comes to mind or even HCPL. It is that local building where they are greeted by someone like you and me, a warm smile, and a helpful hand, a place where they can find the answers to their questions. This is our library.
In conclusion, this has been a rewarding experience. It was a wonderful opportunity for an entire staff (county wide) to work together. I hope everyone has enjoyed it as much as I have.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Posted by
Shane Harris
3:29 PM
Friday, November 16, 2007
Downloadable Media (Week 9: #22)
I downloaded an audiobook of poetry from Overdrive. I also looked at Wowio. Although there seems to be much content it was often difficult to find specific titles addressing my topics of interest in both Overdrive and Wowio. Still, this is a nice tool especially since it is FREE!
Posted by
Shane Harris
3:22 PM
Podcasts (Week 9: #21)
The Writer's Almanac is always such a pleasant segment on NPR that I decided to add this to my blog as an example of podcasting. It is located on the right towards the bottom.
Posted by
Shane Harris
2:37 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
youtube (Week 9: #20)
I have seldomly used youtube. Although it has been a good resource for finding material that is sometimes difficult to find in other places, I simply don't use it that often. Typically I use it when looking for video that I can't seem to find with google, etc. I have usually been able to find it at youtube.
I didn't really find anything "noteworthy". However I did find some rather alarming material just by happenstance concerning the Virginia Tech tragedy. I will not go into detail. In fact, I didn't finish watching it. I watched a few other videos but find it hard to believe in the authenticity of many of the videos.
It is in a sense a testament to free speech.
But what kind of testament?
Posted by
Shane Harris
2:41 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Word Play
A musing or amusing or maybe an amusing musing? A maze that will amaze? About a bout?
I created this with Google Docs. As well as sharing, collaborating, etc., it allows one to publish directly to your blog. Zoho also allows for direct blogging as well. So far Zoho seems to be more sophisticated than google docs.
Posted by
Shane Harris
9:12 AM
Zoho!!! (Week 18: #19)
This is great! I love the fact that some of the sites out there will actually save in a format that can be used with Microsoft Office. For those who cannot afford the elite package that Microsoft offers, this gives them an opportunity to create presentations, documents, spreadsheets, etc. In addition, this allows individuals to work and collaborate on a project no matter where they are. Share with whom you want or keep it to yourself. This is a no-brainer!
Posted by
Shane Harris
8:45 AM
Social Networking (Week 8: #18)
Uh oh, not my cup of tea, but it is a way to keep up with friends and meet new people. I am a private person who friends like to call "the hermit", but overall I can see the appeal for many people. Considering that many people move from place to place, this is yet another great way to stay in touch. I like the fact that just like many other sites, one has the option to keep an account public or private. Of those listed, I like those devoted to more specific themes such as Still as someone else has stated before, much of this seems like "glorified email."
Posted by
Shane Harris
8:29 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Technology (Week 7: #17)
- tech·nol·o·gy 1.the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science. Unabridged (v 1.1)
Jorge Luis unintentional metaphor for the internet ( ). Infinity, eternal life, have your brain uploaded ( Pop culture offers "The Matrix". Forbidden Knowledge: From Prometheus to Pornography by Roger Shattuck may offer insight. Hiroshima?
Technology is a tool. How will we use it?
Posted by
Shane Harris
10:18 AM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Wiki (Week 7: #16)
As long as the information can be verified or the sources are trusted, a wiki is a great source of information. Why have one expert extol upon a subject, when ten experts from all over the world can participate? As far as libraries are concerned, it seems that there is a plethora of uses for a wiki such as a wiki devoted to local recipes, local history, or community concerns. In this day and age everyone wants to add their two cents: a wiki lets everyone do just that.
Posted by
Shane Harris
3:08 PM
To a temporary place in time... (Week 6: #15)
Of the five articles, "To a temporary place in time..." had the most appeal. I always enjoyed visiting the library for research and leisure. Libraries are not as appealing to me anymore (this is more a result of the changing environment). When the Internet first began to encroach on library territory, I welcomed it. This was not because I did not like the library but because I had to drive to the library which meant walking through the rain, missing my favorite show, etc. Suddenly there was a tool right in my home, right at my fingertips. Since then the Internet has lost some of its appeal. In the beginning it seemed easier to find relevant information, but these days I wade through site after site looking for that tiny morsel of information that I really need. Dr. Wendy Schultz's article presented the ideal library where information will not be just at our fingertips but organized and at our fingertips.
Posted by
Shane Harris
2:37 PM
Technorati (Week 6: #14)
I actually enjoyed this site. I have been looking for some personal perspectives on traveling to a certain destination. I was able to find a few blogs on Technorati. Just for fun I searched for "ihcpl" and several of the ihcpl blogs came up.
Posted by
Shane Harris
1:37 PM
comments (Week 6: #13)
I think this site provides many useful tools. Being able to access bookmarks from any computer is a wonderful asset. Tagging is also advantageous considering that everyone has unique ways of thinking and therefore unique ways of labeling.
Posted by
Shane Harris
9:56 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Elf (Week 5: #12)
Set up account. For someone who uses the library often, this seems to be a wonderful tool especially the text message sent to cell phones.
Posted by
Shane Harris
12:57 PM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Library Thing (Week 5: #11)
I like this application. It is a good way to keep track of who and what I've read.
Posted by
Shane Harris
10:35 AM
Monday, October 08, 2007
A Rant and a Few Comments
There have been a few comments concerning my earlier rant. I really did not expect any comments. They are, of course, welcome for everyone is entitled to an opinion. It is nice to see that the few that have perused this workshop have been affected to enough of a degree to respond. I fear though that I was somehow unclear in my rant (and remember it was a rant). My criticism was not directed at the usefulness of flickr, but the way it is most commonly used. My rant was less directed at the usefulness of flickr than it was at the users. Yes, it can be a powerful way to communicate, and maybe I am simply misguided, but it is not typically used to communicate with military personnel in Iraq. Believe me when I say I sympathize as my brother-in-law is being shipped to the Middle East as I write this. The use of video conferencing, email, etc. is an invaluable tool for my sister, my nephews, and my niece to communicate with their father/husband.
My rant was a result of my concerns. I look at society today and am saddened. We are in a war (politics aside please), and besides a bit of media coverage, it doesn't seem as if we are in a war. It seems that the only individuals concerned with what is happening in the Middle East are politicians and families who have loved ones serving. I look at youth today, and like any moment in history I am concerned. My rant was directed at society. So if I seemed negative, you got the message! But I did not mean to imply that sites like flickr had no usefulness. I simply used flickr as a platform to express a few of my concerns with today's values.
Who knows? Maybe I am the only one concerned.
Posted by
Shane Harris
6:59 PM
(Week 5: #10) Image Generators
The header was taken from an image generator and then slightly modified. The website where I found the header is
Posted by
Shane Harris
6:55 PM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Posted by
Shane Harris
5:43 PM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Feedster (Week 4: #9)
A great many feeds...decided to embed NFL news at the bottom of the blog. Only complaint is:
The widget from Feedster doesn't appear to allow adequate space to read the headlines even if you place it in the footer where Blogger allows enough space.
If anyone knows a way to fix this, please let me know.
Posted by
Shane Harris
3:36 PM
Monday, October 01, 2007 (Week 4: #8)
This is such a nice feature for anyone who craves current events but wants them streamlined. Away with the frills! Give me substance.
Posted by
Shane Harris
2:05 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Dusty Books and a Cup of Coffee
I like old, dusty books. I like the feel of one when I pull it from a shelf as if I am reaching into the past and pulling a forgotten century from history's bookcase. I like to learn in a myriad of ways, but I still like a good book and a cup of coffee, pen and paper, and a quiet room far from the randomness that scurries along the concrete just beneath our collective window.
Posted by
Shane Harris
8:37 AM
Flickr part 2
Posted by
Shane Harris
8:29 AM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Flickr: Don't judge a book by its cover...
...or people for that matter.
Okay we're talking about flickr. Sounds great. Looks great. Works great? Not in my opinion. Don't like it. Not user friendly.
But my biggest issue lies elsewhere (I sense a rant). Call me a jerk, but I have no interest in looking at everyone else's pictures. I prefer to keep my own pictures private. I am not anyone else's business nor are my pictures anyone else's business. As for other people's pictures: Why in the world would I want to browse pictures people have placed on flickr (or any social pics site)? Do I care to see 20 different people's pictures of their dogs in various outfits? Or 10 different people who have tagged their pics "bad hair day"? I just don't get it. This whole movement towards group projects and "everyone look at me" bogs the net with blogs and pics of themselves which reeks of mediocrity! Can no one do anything on their own anymore? Or is it that as we move away from family structure, we are conceding that we are more and more alone, and therefore desperately reaching out to everyone, anyone for attention? Wasn't there a time when such attention was earned or deserved? Don't get me wrong, I believe in everyone having worth. I respect life. I do not believe that anyone is better than anyone else. I am not trying to downplay anyone's worth or insult anyone. I just don't understand why so many people think they need to be known to the entire world. Will this somehow give them worth? Sorry for the rant, but the world's values today scare me and sometimes appall me. Reality TV, athletes as role models, plastic surgery, etc. Are these the things we value? What has happened to inner peace, quiet confidence, and humility? What has happened to integrity? What has happened to us all?
Posted by
Shane Harris
7:59 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
InterNet, Safety Net?
Internet safety. Internet, a recent (relatively speaking) word added to the lexicon. Derived from network? Net + work. Or simply inter- + net. Inter-, prefix meaning 1. between, amidst ( (inter-)). Net, 1. an open-meshed fabric twisted, knotted, or woven together at regular intervals OR 2. an entrapping device or situation ( Maybe it is a little of both. Still I doubt very seriously that the Internet will ever catch my fall which reminds me it does have another name--web. I don't know about you, but in the real world, I tend to stay as far away as possible from anything that constructs one of those.
Posted by
Shane Harris
9:26 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
What's in a name?
Blog. Sounds a lot like "blah" with a "g" on the end. But what's in a name? According to Shakespeare, not much, but other authors have thought otherwise. Many of Ursula K. Le Guin's books focus on the importance of naming things or knowing a thing's true name. Anyway, I don't think that the combination of "web" and "log" was a successful merger, but it has stuck. Still, I suppose it is better than wiary (web diary) or wournal. Who knows? Considering the "blah" quality of some of the blogs out there, it may very well be aptly named.
Just an aside: If it were not for freedom of speech, I think the vast majority of books should be burned; not for content but the lack of.
Posted by
Shane Harris
10:37 AM
Blog Archive
- Word Play A musing or amusing or maybe an amusin...
- Zoho!!! (Week 18: #19)This is great! I love the fa...
- Social Networking (Week 8: #18)Uh oh, not my cup o...
- Technology (Week 7: #17)- tech·nol·o·gy 1.the bran...
- Wiki (Week 7: #16)As long as the information can b...
- To a temporary place in time... (Week 6: #15)Of th...
- Technorati (Week 6: #14)I actually enjoyed this si...
- (Week 6: #13)I think this site provide...
- Elf (Week 5: #12)Set up account. For someone who u...
- Library Thing (Week 5: #11)I like this application...
- A Rant and a Few CommentsThere have been a few com...
- (Week 5: #10) Image GeneratorsThe header was taken...
- The actual feed for NFL news was too clumsy. It ha...
- Feedster (Week 4: #9)
- (Week 4: #8)